'Blur up' style lazy loading for background images
by Andrew Coe in Web Design
You wanna use the fancy backgrounds? Well then, you best learn how to lazy load and add a simple blur up effect to fullscreen background images.
by Andrew Coe in Web Design
You wanna use the fancy backgrounds? Well then, you best learn how to lazy load and add a simple blur up effect to fullscreen background images.
by Jody McDonald in Working creatively
Some thoughts on how our 'team' works, the value of developing your ideas independently and trusting people to apply their talents.
by Andrew Coe in Development
Recently I completed a website using Perch CMS. I loved the CMS overall, but figuring out how to submit a form using ajax was a bit of a challenge. This post is a quick guide to validating and submitting a form using jQuery and ajax on a website powered by the Perch CMS.
by Jody McDonald in Web Design
Making life easier for your website visitors gives them a great experience - you can learn a lot from a trip to your local convenience store.
by Jody McDonald in Content Strategy
The story doesn't begin when a visitor lands on your website. You're just one part of the story, and your readers are in control of how it ends.