The Advantages Of Mac For Web Development
by Andrew Coe in Development
Thinking of switching to Mac? We’ve recently taken the plunge to become an all Mac workplace and found it comes with some great advantages if you’re a web developer.
by Andrew Coe in Development
Thinking of switching to Mac? We’ve recently taken the plunge to become an all Mac workplace and found it comes with some great advantages if you’re a web developer.
by Jody McDonald in Content Marketing
Content is better when it includes exciting, relevant and quality imagery such as photos, illustrations and gifs. We reveal a few of our favourite sources for free images that can liven up your blog, social media post or website page.
by Andrew Coe in Development
Using git to develop and deploy projects has a lot of advantages: version control, easier collaboration, secure offsite-backups when combined with a service like Bitbucket - just to name a few. However, setting up a git repo on a shared hosting environment can be a bit confusing, here's how I deploy my Craft CMS projects to my hosting servers using git.
by Jody McDonald in Content Marketing
As a ghost-blogger, I write a lot about how businesses can be more productive and successful. That often means highlighting a specific challenge that managers want to address. I've learnt that it's important to frame challenges in a positive way, emphasising opportunities, rather than using language which makes problems seem overwhelming.
by Andrew Coe in Development
October CMS is an exciting new Laravel based CMS currently at the release candidate stage of development. Is it a viable alternative to outstanding content management systems like Craft CMS? At this point I'm not so sure.